Inspiration for this drawing:
Growing up near Manchester, its constantly developing skyline has provided a continuous source of inspiration for me to work towards a degree and career within this field. I selected an angle that portrayed both the Tower of Light and Beetham Tower. These modern samples of architecture are both iconic and relate to my specific interests in architecture. The Tower of Light promotes being sympathetic to the environment, described by Councillor Angeliki Stogia as 'an impressive new landmark for Manchester and a symbol of Manchester’s aim of becoming a zero-carbon city by 2038 at the latest.' Beetham Tower on the contrast is completely unique to the area and possibly the best-known example of architectural integrity in Manchester.
Equipment used to produce this drawing:
1 300mm ruler;
1 exam standard (Black) rubber;
1 HB pencil;
1 B pencil;
1 3B pencil;
1 6B pencil;
1 Sharpener;
1 A4 sheet of Sketch Pad Art Paper;
1 damp cloth for textured 'cloud-like' background.