Produced: 19th December 2020
What was the inspiration for this drawing?
As an iconic figure, with a unique and identifiable appearance, Freddie Mercury provided a tremendous
challenge and opportunity to demonstrate not only my ability to draw, but also bring my work to life with
shading. I used shading to enhance factors associated with his appearance and dissociate from a simple two-dimensional angle as portrayed by most artistic impressions.
How did I produce this drawing?
I began by researching numerous examples of high-quality photography and looking for consistencies in
Physical structures of Freddie’s Appearance, for example, his eye shape and mustache length.
From this, I produced several small sketches of these factors on a sheet of paper, using this as guidance for
The final sketch and its shading. I then proceeded to draw a hollow outline of Freddie's face, almost
producing an abstract line drawing of his basic features. I then layered this with more detailed components,
such as hair small hair strands. Following this I began to shade, starting with his eyes which I felt provided
a space for contrast, using three layers of shading to make up the Pupil, Iris and surroundings. The shading
Was built up until it resembled Freddie and his defined facial appearance.
Equipment used to produce this drawing:
1 sheet of 100 gsm sketch pad paper (A4);
1 HB pencil;
1 B pencil;
1 3B pencil;
1 6B pencil.