Produced on the 2nd of February 2021
This Piece of Abstract Artwork was requested to me by a family member. Given his iconic appearance, I gladly accepted the request and decided to make it abstract in order to replicate Lynne's desire to create modern rock and pop songs with classical overtones- using a simple modern concept to make a detailed and complex, yet traditional piece of artwork- a portrait.
Produced on Canvas, this piece of work demonstrates my ability to create a recognisable and detailed representation of a person or object, whilst only using minimalistic lines. Firstly, the process began with a basic sketch, using a HB pencil, which determined the characteristics people could associate to Jeff Lynne- for example: the dimensions of his face; hairlines; body language and expressions. Once adjusted to a distinguishable level, using a grid for scale, it was replicated on a thicker piece of card, with definition applied using softer and darker pencils, such as 3B. This enabled me to recognise critical lines and those which were not necessary for the minimalistic nature of line drawing. I then carefully used a Stanley knife to cut along critical lines, producing a stencil from my second sketch. This stencil was then traced with a sharpie marker, reproducing the critical lines onto my piece of canvas. Once the entire stencil had been outlined, the card was removed, leaving an abstract image.