How I produced this sketch:
Having physically witnessed a display from the F-14 Tomcat, I used my recollection to determine which features made this aircraft iconic, sampling rough sketches of wing structures, including positioning of ailerons and tail alignment with the fuselage and engines. I then collected the ideas I had produces from these sketches and compared them with stock images online to measure consistency and ensure accuracy in my final artistic impression. From here I used a HB pencil to sketch a faint outline of these features, connecting them with a B pencil and layering the drawing with shading, using other varieties of pencil. I also used a faint brushing motion of the rubber to replicate the reflection of light on the wings.
Equipment used to produce this drawing:
1 sheet of 100 gsm sketch pad paper (A4);
1 HB pencil;
1 B pencil;
1 3B pencil;
1 6B pencil;
1 exam standard (Black) rubber.